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  • Writer's pictureJose Manuel Anderson

Embarking on a Journey in Medellin

In the heart of South America, nestled atop the hills of Santa Elena, southeast of Medellín, stands Casa Linda—a symbol of NewSwing Academies' dominance and vision. This office is not confined to the definition of a workspace; it represents our commitment to luxury, green power initiatives, cultural integration, and sustainability. The journey to establish this cornerstone of our global operations was not a simple one, but it was a labor of love and determination, particularly close to my heart as a proud Colombian.

Finding Our Oasis of Richness

When we began planning NewSwing Academies Global, many doubted the viability and potential of such a venture. Critics labeled the idea as overly ambitious and unworthy of investment. Yet, it was this skepticism that fueled our drive to prove them wrong and establish a foundation that would revolutionize the entertainment and golf industries.

Colombia, with its rich history dating back to the Spanish conquest in 1525, has faced numerous challenges—civil wars, guerrilla warfare, and the shadow of cartels. Despite these adversities, Colombia shines with unmatched beauty, a rich coffee culture, and a heritage steeped in resilience. It is this resilience that makes Colombia the perfect place for NewSwing Academies Global to invest in and grow.

Luxury Redefined: Our Medellin Sanctuary

Our executive team spent the past year meticulously exploring Colombia, seeking the best locations and partners to build an unbreakable foundation. The result is Casa Linda, our newest addition, set in a wealthy neighborhood known for its breathtaking views and serene environment. This office is not just a statement of our presence but a beacon of luxury, environmental consciousness, and cultural pride.

Casa Linda embodies a blend of opulence and sustainability, featuring cutting-edge green power initiatives that reduce our carbon footprint while enhancing efficiency. It is a place where culture meets innovation, where the past and future coexist harmoniously, creating a unique environment for our team to thrive.

From Bogotá to Global Impact

Establishing Casa Linda holds a special significance for me. Born in Bogotá, Colombia, in 2001, I was one of fourteen children living in a metal shack between two houses. After neighbors' complaints, CPS intervened, and I was placed in the Fundación Hogar San Mauricio orphanage. There, I faced many challenges, including illness and a low immune system, compounded by the difficulties of living in a poorly monitored environment.

My siblings, the largest family within the orphanage, did their best to protect me from the harsh realities we faced, but it was not always enough. I fell ill often and battled with the hardships of our circumstances. After years of struggle, I eventually entered the Foster Care System, experiencing multiple difficult homes and witnessing countless harrowing events.

These trials, however, did not break me. Instead, they forged a stronger, more resilient spirit within me—a force to be reckoned with. Every obstacle I overcame fueled my determination to create something extraordinary, to prove that no matter where you start, greatness is within reach.

Building a Legacy

Casa Linda is a representation of the strength and potential that lies within all of us. It symbolizes the journey from adversity to success, from doubt to dominance. Our presence in Medellín is a powerful statement of our commitment to excellence, innovation, and sustainability.

As we continue to grow and expand globally, Casa Linda will always hold a special place in my heart. It is a reminder of where we started, the challenges we overcame, and the bright future that lies ahead. It is proof that with passion, perseverance, and undeniable belief in our vision, we can create a lasting legacy that transcends borders and inspires future generations.

Casa Linda is not just a part of NewSwing Academies; it is a part of me, a part of Colombia, and a part of the extraordinary journey we are on together.

Remember, in the landscape of excellence, there's no finish line – only new horizons waiting to be conquered.

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