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  • Writer's pictureSarah Cohen

A Journey Through Europe: Insights from NewSwing's Upper Management

Updated: Aug 7

Greetings from Cologne, Italy! It's been an eventful few days as Jose Manuel Anderson, our esteemed founder and soon-to-be CEO, embarked on a journey through Europe alongside five other members of upper management. As we gather here to strategize and update our approaches before Jose's official revote to reclaim the CEO position, I, Sarah, the Director of HQ Operations, take a moment to reflect on our adventures and the exciting future ahead.

Allow me to introduce myself properly. While I usually remain behind the scenes, today I step into the spotlight. With a background as the former Executive Assistant at Newman ETAPs, I've had the privilege of working closely with Jose, offering strategic insights and support. Prior to my role at Newman ETAPs, I served as a Manager of Affairs at WME, where I honed my skills in operations and management.

As the Director of HQ Operations, my role is made up of managing our strategic headquarters while collaborating closely with Jose, who oversees our Los Angeles offices and serves as the Chairman of the entire company. It's a position of immense responsibility, one that I take pride in as we navigate the challenges and opportunities that come our way.

Our time in Europe has been enlightening. Amidst savoring delicious food and drinks, we've engaged in deep discussions about the future of NewSwing Academies. With Jose's laid-back demeanor and insights, we've gained a profound understanding of his vision and strategy for the company.

You know, one of the things that really stands out about Jose's leadership style is his remarkable ability to stay cool as a cucumber, even when things get seriously intense. It's like he's got this superpower of calmness that just spreads to everyone around him. Whenever we're hashing out new ideas or facing big challenges, Jose's confidence gives us all a major boost of reassurance. And let me tell you, with the future of NewSwing hanging in the balance, having someone like Jose at the wheel is like having a guiding light in the storm.

In the crazy whirlwind of the business world, being able to adapt on the fly is absolutely crucial. But with Jose leading the charge, we're not just adapting – we're thriving. His drive and determination are infectious, pushing us all to reach for the stars and make things happen. Whether it's his commitment to excellence or his knack for thinking outside the box, Jose's leadership inspires us to chase greatness every single day. And you better believe we're all in, ready to steer NewSwing towards even greater heights under his guidance.

As the evening draws to a close and we continue our discussions late into the night, one thing is abundantly clear: the future of NewSwing Academies is bright, and with Jose leading the way, we are poised to achieve greatness. Here's to the journey ahead and the countless opportunities that await us. Cheers to NewSwing and the incredible team driving its success!

Signing off from Cologne, Italy,

Sarah Cohen

Director of HQ Operations
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