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Our Background & Philosophy

NewSwing Academies originated as a modest golf instruction division within Newman Executive Talent Acquisition Partnerships (formerly AndersonWorks). Following the strategic sale of Newman ETAPs to Endeavor Group Holdings, founder Jose Manuel Anderson transformed the division into the thriving company we are today.

Mr. Anderson's success as head of Top Golf Los Angeles' 2022 Summer Academy laid the groundwork for NewSwing Academies. His strategic planning and effective leadership, supported by an initial $10 million investment and an additional $22 million from partners, led to our official launch on April 8, 2023.

Under the guidance of Mr. Anderson and Elizabeth Hernandez, we quickly scaled up, hiring over 1,000 employees and opening 28 offices worldwide, including in Oxenford, Australia. Our headquarters, NewSwing Manor,  embodies our innovative and unorthodox approach.

Our commitment to diversity and employee well-being is evident, with nearly 73% of our workforce coming from diverse cultures and high employee satisfaction driven by retreats and monthly meetings. Today, the NewSwing family boasts 5,889 individuals across 72 offices and over 100 locations, continuing to lead the global network of golf and entertainment.

Green Background


At NewSwing Academies, our mission is to cultivate a global community of young, passionate golfers by providing educational and developmental programs. We are dedicated to empowering youth through the sport of golf, fostering character development, instilling a love for the game, and nurturing lifelong skills that extend beyond the fairways. Our commitment is to create an inclusive and supportive environment where every aspiring golfer can discover their potential, build resilience, and unlock a pathway to success on and off the golf course.

Green Background


NewSwing Academies envisions a world where golf transforms young lives globally. As the beacon of youth golf excellence, we set the standard for innovation, inclusivity, and excellence. Through advanced coaching, top-notch facilities, and a comprehensive curriculum, we aim to inspire a new generation of golfers who embody integrity, discipline, and teamwork. Our goal is to impact the global golfing landscape by nurturing skilled, well-rounded individuals ready to make a positive mark. Additionally, as a leading entertainment company, we deliver unparalleled experiences to our clients in social media, film, and beyond.


Our Acquisitions

"I, am proud to entrust Hernandez Enterprises, after 16 years of amazing success, to Jose Anderson and NewSwing Academies. I have full confidence in their commitment to continuing our legacy of excellence and dedication to success."

Elizabeth Hernandez, CEO & Founder,

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April 8th, 2023

$18.6 Million


May 29th, 2023

$3.5 Million


April 16th, 2024

$11.5 Million


May 1st, 2024

$11.9 Million


April 16th, 2024

$17.9 Million

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